In this digital era, eBooks and consequently eBook readers have grown significantly in popularity and this makes the conversion of eBook formats of critical importance for publishers. Though PDF is one of the widely used file formats, it has several flaws, and ePUB3 conversion is the key to overcome these flaws.
Also Read: Converting PDF to ePUB | Which is the Better Format for ePublishing?
Publishers and enterprises no longer prefer to offer their consumers recycled printable PDFs as they are accessing premium content in the dynamic format on multiple electronic devices. Now, publishers and authors are embracing ePUB3 formats for greater reach, lower costs, and higher revenues.
What is ePUB3?
The latest version of ePUB, ePUB3 is an HTML5 standard-based file format. This allows the ePUB3 files to contain videos, audios, and interactive multimedia elements similar to the dynamic websites. It is supported by CSS3, which makes it possible to hyperlink the content to internal and external sources.
Also Read: 7 Best eBook Converters for Bulk Conversion
Why Do Publishers Need ePUB3 Conversion?
A Statista report states that the revenues in the eBook segment is expected to show an annual growth rate of 3.7% (CAGR 2020-2025), resulting in a projected market volume of US $20 bn by 2025. These numbers underline the increasing popularity of eBooks.
Today’s tech-savvy generation prefers electronic devices for consuming content. Therefore, it is important to deliver a complete reading experience and offer reflowable content to readers that will adjust itself to the different screen sizes. ePUB3 conversion helps you do that and enhance the readers’ experience.
There are myriad benefits of ePUB3 conversion particularly from an accessibility point of view. Here are some more reasons to underline the need for ePUB3 conversion.
How to Automate PDF to ePub3 Conversion
Top 10 Business Benefits of ePUB3 Conversion
Adaptability & Accessibility
It supports the vendor-independent XML-based standard, which makes it a popular open standard format. It has a reflowable nature that adapts itself to various displays and sizes, thus supporting a maximum number of readers. ePUB3 format is readily accessible through various platforms, browsers, and operating systems across devices.
Related Read: 5 Reasons why you should consider ePUB3 over other eBook formats
It is imperative for eBooks to be WCAG compliant. With the ePUB3 conversion process, you can offer better semantics, media overlays, pronunciation hints, and text-to-speech playback. This makes eBooks accessible to the audience from various walks of life.
Layout & Searchability
The format is dynamic in nature and is supported by emerging technologies, such as HTML5 and CSS3. Since it is an HTML5 format, the text can be hyperlinked to refer to internal sections of the eBook and to external reference links to provide more informational resources on the subject. ePUB3 also incorporates SEO capabilities, enabling online readers to search content based on the keywords.
Universal Language Support
The shrinking global market is encouraging companies to reach out to the wider audience by establishing a connection with the natives in their own language. ePUB3 format allows you to seamlessly reach the audience by narrowing down the language hurdle.
The software is designed in such a way that it provides global language support and has the capability to handle the flow of the text Right to Left or Left to Right.
Interactive Content
The technological advancements in the eBook segment have provided the readers with a better reading experience. ePUB3 format is ideal for offering more engaging and interactive content with the inclusion of dynamic multimedia elements.
Through ePUB3, the chances of offering greater access, functionality, and accessibility to readers increases as it is both very clear and attractive and adjusts perfectly with the dimensions of the device/e-reader screen while keeping the original layout and format intact.
Read more on how to create an interactive eBook in 10 simple steps.
Greater Traceability
Enterprises invest a lot of time, effort, and resources in training and development initiatives. There are times when they end up with a large volume of data, in the form of research papers, brochures, presentations, and more.
A manual process to access, trace, and interlink these data is ineffective and time-consuming. ePUB3 provides a traceability feature that allows users to search content and access it exactly at the time when they want to use it.
Improved Analytics
You can analyze a reader’s feedback, and trace the number of times an eBook or paper is downloaded. In other words, you can analyze end-users’ responses to the content and accordingly enhance it for better productivity. Besides, ePUB3 also provides features, such as surveys and polls, to help businesses generate detailed insights into readers’ responses to the content.
Secure Content
ePUB3 adheres to the DRM (Digital Rights Management) standards, which means that the content can only be accessed and shared by the owner of the content, who has the key to unlock it.
Basically, the DRM prevents unauthorized access to specific-user owned content, thus ensuring its copyright and use.
Rich Media Formats
The new approach to learning includes textbooks with rich media formats, such as audio, videos, and other interactive elements. Since ePUB3 is based on the HTML5 format, it includes all the HTML5’s capabilities for rich media integration and interactivity.
Text and Speech Features
With ePUB3, publishers can use updated eBook improvements, such as talk aloud, pronunciation, text intonation, and other interactive features, to massively increase the end-users’ reach. This format is highly beneficial for readers with disabilities, such as visual impairment.
Automatic ePUB3 Conversion
Complex processes are simplified through technology. ePUB3 conversion should be no different. However, ensuring that the ePUB3 conversion process doesn’t affect the file format is important. Here is a guide to ePUB3 conversion while keeping the file format intact.
A wide range of ePUB3 conversion tools are available that will help you create rich and interactive eBooks. Kitaboo offers automatic ePUB3 conversion services and enables you to deliver eBooks across devices. It also allows you to provide personalized reading experience and learn from your users through analytics.
As the world is moving towards ePUB format to enjoy an immersive reading experience, it clearly defines the need for ePUB3 conversion to deliver seamless accessibility across devices.
To sum it up, publishers can broaden their reach, increase reader engagement, lower the costs, and achieve business acceleration by adapting the ePUB3 conversion process.
Get in touch with us to convert your PDF files to interactive ePUB3 format.
Kitaboo is a cloud-based content platform to create-publish-distribute interactive mobile-ready ebooks.
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Blog,Digital Publishing,eBook solution / January 16, 2024