Although non-profit organizations and societies are not driven primarily towards profit like other business ventures, they need to bring in enough money to fulfill their primary goals. Reports show that the non-profit sector today faces a massive talent shortage. In order to achieve a significant impact, non-profit associations must attract, retain, and develop skilled talent.
Unfortunately, the biggest competition for non-profit associations today comes from the private sector, which includes conventional profit organizations. Profit organizations make strategic use of technology in order to maintain their profit margins.
In order to survive in the competition with the private sector, non-profit associations need to adopt several drastic measures, which includes adopting technology. Information technology has revolutionized the global society, with a significant increase in productivity and efficiency. Its numerous benefits include automation of processes, streamlining of work and better organization of information. This white paper highlights why nonprofit organizations and societies should invest in technology and leverage its benefits.
Highlights of the white paper: